The Classics Challenge 2011 is being hosted by Stiletto Storytime.
*click the pic to sign up
The challenge is simple: Read classic literature. It can be from any period or genre you choose. The only rule is that it must in some way be considered a classic. What is a classic you ask? A classic to me is a book that has in some way become bigger than itself. It’s become part of culture, society or the bigger picture. It’s the book you know about even if you have not read it. It’s the book you feel like you should have read.
There are four great levels in this challenge designed to suit any reading level and the main goal is to share classics you may or may not have known about otherwise. I encourage you to sign up below and add the challenge button to your blog. The Classics Challenge Page will also allow you to add your reviews as time goes by. Each month I will post a wrap-up along with my own periodic reviews of the classics I am enjoying. And of course I will also be giving away prizes as the year progresses to those who participate. The challenge will run from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. You can join at anytime. If you have a blog fantastic! If not then we still want you to read along with us. You can post reviews from any platform or just follow along and participate in comments.
Student: Read any 5 Classic Books
Bachelor’s Degree: Read any 10 Classic Books
Master’s Degree: Read any 20 Classic Books
P.H.D.: Read any 40 Classic Books
I'm going to start out small with the Student level. Will see how that goes.
1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Thanks so much for joining The Classics Challenge! I just know you will meet and possibly surpass your "Student" goal. Good Luck and Happy Reading!
Stiletto Storytime