2014 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge, hosted by Historical Tapestry. Click one of the links, or the image above, to sign up.
We are excited to announce that the we will again be hosting the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge in 2014, and we hope that you are all excited at the prospect of joining in.
The challenge will run in the same way as it has over the last couple of years that we have hosted the challenge. The only thing that has changed is that I have added an additional category for those hard core HF readers who want to challenge themselves to read more than 50 HF novels over the course of the next 12 months.
Here are the details:
Each month, a new post dedicated to the HF Challenge will be created. To participate, you only have to follow the rules:
- everyone can participate, even those who don't have a blog (you can add your book title and thoughts in the comment section if you wish)
- add the link(s) of your review(s) including your name and book title to the Mister Linky we’ll be adding to our monthly post (please, do not add your blog link, but the correct address that will guide us directly to your review)
- any kind of historical fiction is accepted (HF fantasy, HF young adult,...)
- During the following 12 months you can choose one of the different reading levels:
Victorian reader - 5 books
Renaissance Reader - 10 books
Medieval - 15 books
Ancient History - 25 books
Prehistoric - 50+ books
You can tailor the challenge to suit you in whichever way you like! For example, last year I was only counting books by Australian authors for my own participation in the challenge just to make it a bit harder for myself. I also know of one participant who over the last couple of years has only read historical mysteries as it suits their own reading tastes!
To join the challenge you only need to make a post about it, add your link in Mr. Linky below or just leave a link to your blog if you are not yet ready to post about it yet. If you don't have a blog you can just leave a comment for this post saying that you are joining.
The challenge runs from 1 January to 31 December 2014.
Although I will most likely read more, I'm going to be modest here and go for the Medieval level:
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