Thursday, January 5, 2012


I have to list this one as a FAIL because I really didn't accomplish any of my goals.  Hopefully, 2013 will be better.

My Bookish 2012 New Year's Resolutions Challenge hosted by Butterfly-o-Meter Books.

*for full details and sign-up, click above links or image

  • You can sign up to participate at any time from the moment this is posted until the end of 2012, it's your set of resolutions, so have fun with it :D
  • Challenge: think up your bookish list of resolutions for 2012, it can be anything related to bookish things (including completing other Challenges you're participating in as long as they're bookish-related) 
Challenge runs from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012.

My goals for the challenge:
  • catch up on backlist review books in the first two months (maybe three) of 2012
  • cut back on review requests, except book tours with tour hosts I have a relationship with
  • complete all reading challenges (especially The Book Vixen's Outdo Yourself Challenge, therefore reading more books in 2012...I'm aiming for 100...again!)
  • read more non-fiction
  • most of the books read in 2012 should be from my own shelves with the exception of review books
That's all I can think of right now!


  1. Well I think we're going for the same bookish things, overall :D
    We'll make it too, now we have a challenge to complete so we're on official business, right? xD

    Glad you joined our MB2012NYRC family!


Thank you for your comments. They are much appreciated!